Crooked doors, noisy joints, and a door that takes a decade to open all point to one thing - poor garage door installation. The lack of knowledge when it comes to carrying out a garage door repair alone is sure to quickly spoil the pleasure of having that brand-spanking-new door, and could even cause serious injuries.

Throughout our time here at Legacy Lancaster, PA garage doors, we've seen it all. From damaged garage door openers to installation that's falling off its hinges - and it's all down to poor prior knowledge of garage door systems.
The best way to do it? Well, leave it to the pros. Don't waste your time, money, or even worse, risk anybody's safety. Our trained professionals in garage door repair and installations know all there is to know about the different types of doors that exist, and their individual requirements. Not only will they offer you excellent advice, but they will also professionally fit all the components of the door for you.
Still not convinced? You will be when you finish reading. We've put together our top five reasons why you should leave garage door installation and repairs to the professionals.
5 Reasons to Leave Garage Door Repairs to the Pros

1. You Lack the Tools
Garage door installation requires precise tools. And no, they're unlikely to be the ones tucked away in your shed.
Believe it or not, a whole lot goes into installing a garage door. From aligning the photo eye, to wiring everything properly, to installing the springs, pulleys, and cables - all of this can only be done right by a true professional. Not only will they have the right tools for the job, but also the right skills.
2. A Bigger Expense
Once you've made a DIY mistake, it's challenging to come back from it. Plus, the more mistakes you make, the more money it costs you. Why not save your time, effort, and money, and just hire a garage door installation professional?
3. No Experience
Ever heard the phrase ''you make it look easy''? We know that Youtube makes things look super easy. However, the person in each video is a professional that knows what they're doing. We can assure you that if you were to try a garage door repair with no experience, you're going to find it much more difficult than you initially assumed.
Professionals boast years of knowledge and training in garage door openings, repair, and installation. You can have peace of mind in knowing that the job is going to get done, and done right.
4. Say Goodbye to the Warranty
So, why exactly do you have to say goodbye to the warranty if you carry out a garage door repair by yourself?
Well, simply because garage door companies know just how dangerous DIY garage door projects can be, and they don't want you to risk injury. If you already have the warranty, you might as well go ahead and use it.
5. Avoid DIY Garage Door Installation
Please keep in mind that working on these doors by yourself won't just put you at risk of losing your hard-earned cash, but may even send you to the hospital.
They are heavy, bulky items, and not something you should put on your DIY list unless you're trained in doing so. Lancaster, PA garage doors here at Legacy are affordable, and our professionals will ensure the job is done to perfection.
If you're looking for a reputable company to carry out a repair or installation on your garage door openers, feel free to get in touch to find out how one of our experts can help you.